At Ecomondo, UNI is organizing a workshop on the sustainability of bio-based products within the framework of the European BioReCer project.

Our partner UNI is participating in Ecomondo, the leading trade fair for professionals in the green and circular economy sectors, which will be held in Rimini from November 5 to 8. Our colleagues will partake in a busy schedule with presentations and participation in panels and roundtables, culminating in a three-hour workshop.
In line with the fair's philosophy, which seeks to connect industries, stakeholders, policymakers, opinion leaders, researchers, and institutions, we will be presenting the workshop “Advancing Sustainability in Bio-Based Products: Insights and New Tools from Three European Research Projects” organized within the European BioReCer project.
The workshop, scheduled for Friday, November 8, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., aims to provide an overview of the most relevant issues related to the sustainability of the bio-based product supply chain. This timely topic is of great strategic importance, requiring close collaboration and effective knowledge exchange among stakeholders, from research to industry, and is also crucially supported by the standardization system.
During the event (for the full program lineup, see here), with insights from experts, core aspects to properly frame the bio-based product supply chain will be analyzed and ongoing developments that can help address its main challenges will be illustrated.
First, the European Union’s priorities for the sector will be explored, examining the implications of the Green Claims Directive and the key role environmental certifications play in countering greenwashing. Moreover, innovative tools developed within the Horizon projects, such as the BioReCer standardization toolkit to maximize the sustainability of bio-based products and the BIORADAR monitoring system to assess the environmental and social sustainability of bio-based industrial systems will be presented.
Through the AMBIANCE project, focused on the development of new bio-based products for urban applications, sustainable production models to reduce environmental impact and ensure the replicability of results will be promoted. Finally, sustainable transition through the Star4bbs project, highlighting how maximizing the potential of sustainability certification schemes and labels is essential for supporting the transition to a bio-based economy will be discussed.